January is National Hot Tea Month!  Enjoy!!

January is National Hot Tea Month! Enjoy!!

January is a time for new beginnings.  Not coincidentally, it's also National Hot Tea Month. To celebrate one of nature's most popular, soothing, relaxing beverages; the only beverage in America commonly served hot or iced, anytime, anywhere, for any occasion. 

Nothing is quite as relaxing, reassuring, or satisfying as a cup of hot tea.  Hot Tea Month encourages you to branch out and try new types of tea—depending on your mood, taste, and environment. So, whether you’re a first time (loose leaf) tea drinker or a staunch tea drinker, why not try a different green tea, a chocolate chai, or Darjeeling this month?

How to Celebrate National Hot Tea Day

January 12th is National Hot Tea Day. There are countless ways to celebrate National Hot Tea Day, whether you prefer a quiet, solitary tea moment or a lively gathering with friends. The essence of this day is to appreciate and enjoy tea in all its forms. 

Celebrating is as simple as brewing up a cup of your favorite tea, and sitting back and relaxing as you sip it down. Or consider trying a Detox or healthful tea (like Pu-erh or white tea), revisit old favorites (such as Hibiscus Colada, Chamomile or Moroccan Mint), try a wintry tea (like Ginger or Citrus Cinnamon), or maybe try a nurturing tea (Japanese Green or Rooibos).

Your taste buds will thank you!

What’s in your cup? Can’t decide? Go to our website at www.theteaexperienceny.com and consider trying a tea that you’ve never tried before.

Happy Hot Tea Month!


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